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Ear deformities tend to greatly affect the self-esteem and social performance of people who have it from a very early age. They may lead to a loss of self-confidence and social isolation. It is common that these patients use accessories or style their hair in a way that hides their ears, before they have surgery. Otoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to modify the form and reduce the size of the ears, as well as correcting their prominence. The surgery lasts from 1 to 2 hours. It is made from behind the ears and a small scar is left near the crease between the ear and the side of the head. This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, but in children general anesthesia is required. When the ear lobe is too big, another procedure can also be performed in order to reduce its size. After the surgery, the patient must wear a head bandage for the first or two days after the surgery. It is important to keep the bandage in its place for the time needed in order to help reduce swelling and bruising. While the bandage is in its place, it is not possible to wash the hair. It’s possible that it may be needed to wear a head bandage at night in order to protect the ears for the next two or three weeks. Sometimes, after the surgery the ears remain tender for week, which is why it may be required for the patient to take painkillers. The scar left behind the ear tends to heal easily and the vast majority of patients are happy with the result of the procedure. 


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